Dhaka to Azampur Train Schedule is a comprehensive list of trains from Dhaka to Azampur. The list includes the time, name, duration, and ticket price for each train as well as an interactive map with directions on how to get from one station to another. This post will help you plan your next trip or vacation in Bangladesh by providing you the best information about transportation routes between two cities.
You can also compare prices of various trains and buy tickets online!
Dhaka To Azampur Intercity Train Schedule
The intercity train is a great way to travel for our long and comfortable journey. We don’t have to worry about anything, because the staff will take care of it all! There are 4 trains that go on Dhaka- Azampur route too so we can always find one going at an appropriate time.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Parabat Express (709) | Monday | 06:20 | 08:40 |
Joyantika Express (717) | No | 11:15 | 13:52 |
Kalani Express (773) | Friday | 15:00 | 17:15 |
Dhaka To Azampur Train Ticket Price
The affordable railway ticket prices of Bangladesh can be a blessing for any traveler. Since the train tickets are set by and updated regularly by Pakistan Railway, you know that these rates won’t change on your trip! Here’s what it might cost to travel from Dhaka to Azampur:
Seat Category | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shuvon | 135 |
Shuvon Chair | 165 |
First Seat | 215 |
First Birth | 325 |
Snigdha | 311 |
AC | 374 |
Ac Birth | 558 |
Conclusion :
If you are planning your next vacation in Bangladesh, a great resource to help plan your itinerary is Dhaka To Azampur Train Schedule With Ticket Price. You can get accurate information about the time it takes for each train and how much tickets will cost you as well as an interactive map with directions on how to get from one station to another. This blog post should be used in conjunction with other helpful sources of information such as our list of hotels or attractions near this route so that you have all the resources available when deciding which parts of Bangladesh deserve your attention. We hope this article has been useful!
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