Rajshahi is another most important division in Bangladesh which is famous for the production of tasty mangoes. Moreover, there various types of educational and official structures for which people have to travel from Dhaka to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to Dhaka. For managing the travel time, proper and accurate information is very important. That’s why the updated Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule and Dhaka to Rajshahi train ticket price are given here.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Trains:
There are various types of trains that give service regularly from Dhaka to Rajshahi. You can easily choose one of them and they are-
- Silk City Express
- Padma Express
- Dhumketu Express
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule 2020:
The distance between Dhaka and Rajshahi is about 244 kilometers and if you don’t have a proper schedule of the train then you may face troubles. For this reason, Dhaka to Rajshahi train Schedule is given here-
- Silk City Express: This train starts from Dhaka at 2.40 pm and arrives in Rajshahi at 9.05 pm and there is an off day of train service on Sunday. The stoppages are- Ullapara, Joydebpur, Sirajganj, Tangail and Biman Bandar.
- Padma Express: This train starts from Dhaka at 9.10 pm and arrives in Rajshahi at 4.50 am and there is an off day of train service on Tuesday. The stoppages are- Ullapara, Jamatali, BB Bridge, Tangail, Joydebpur.
- Dhumketu Express: This train starts from Dhaka at 6.00 am and arrives in Rajshahi at 11.50 am and there is an off day of train service on Saturday. The stoppages are- Ishurdi, Chatmohar, Baral Bridge, Ullapara, Jamatali, East of BB Bridge, Tangail, Joydebpur.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price:
For making a journey ticket fare is the most important thing and to organize a trip from Dhaka to Rajshahi there are different types of seating system and that will be affordable according to your budget. The ticket price of Silk City Express, Padma Express, and Dhumketu Express are-
- Silk City Express: Shovon Chair- 315 BDT, Snigdha- 625 BDT, AC Seat- 630 BDT, AC Berth- 940 BDT.
- Padma Express: Shovon Chair- 315 BDT, Snigdha- 525 BDT, AC Seat- 630 BDT, AC Berth- 940 BDT.
- Dhumketu Express: Shovon Chair- 315 BDT and AC Berth- 940 BDT.
Dhaka to Khulna Train Schedule:
Only two types of trains give services for traveling from Dhaka to Khulna regularly. And the train schedule is given here so that you can have a clear concept.
- Sundarban Express: It starts from Dhaka at 6.30 am and arrives at Khulna at 4.20 pm and there is an off day of the service on Wednesday.
- Chittra Express: The train starts from Dhaka at 7.00 pm and arrives at Khulna at 5.10 am and there is an off day of the service on Monday.
As real information about travel schedule and ticket prices are very necessary at the time of going anywhere so that this article will be very helpful to you for making a safe journey. Happy journey.
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