Tangail is the largest district under the Dhaka division which is mainly famous for the production of sharee and there are many industrial companies also. People have to travel Tangail for different purposes and the train is the best way to travel here. The detail information about the Dhaka to Tangail train schedule 2020 and Dhaka to Tangail train ticket prices are given here so that you can get a clear idea.
Dhaka to Tangail Trains:
There are many trains that give services regularly for traveling from Dhaka to Tangail. The name of the intercity trains are-
- Sirajgonj Express
- Rangpur Express
- Dumkatu Express
- Nilsagar
- Chitra Express
- Padma Express
- Drutajan Express
- Silkcity Express
- Lalmani Express
- Sundarban Express
- Ekota Express
Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule 2020:
The train scheduled may be changed every year so that the updated schedule is given here by which you can take decisions easily about the departure and arrival time of the train and it is given below-
- Sirajgonj Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 5.00 pm and arrives at Tangail at 7.35 pm and there is off day on Saturday.
- Dumkatu Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 6.00 am and arrives at Tangail at 8.00 am and there is off day on Saturday.
- Nilsagar Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 8.00 am and arrives at Tangail at 10.20 am and there is off day on Monday.
- Chitra Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 7.00 pm and arrives at Tangail at 9.00 pm and there is off day on Monday.
- Padma Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 11.20 pm and arrives at Tangail at 1.06 am and there is off day on Tuesday.
- Drutajan Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 8.00 pm and arrives at Tangail at 10.06 pm and there is off day on Wednesday.
- Silkcity Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 2.40 pm and arrives at Tangail at 5.06 pm and there is off day on Sunday.
- Lalmani Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 10.10 pm and arrives at Tangail at 12.09 am and there is off day on Friday.
- Sundarban Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 6.20 am and arrives at Tangail at 8.35 am and there is off day on Tuesday.
- Ekota Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 10.00 am and arrives at Tangail at 12.04 pm and there is off day on Tuesday.
Dhaka to Tangail Train Ticket Price:
There are different types of a seating system for going from Dhaka to Tangail and you can easily choose one that is affordable and comfortable for you. The prices are-
- 2nd class general – 40 tk
- 2nd class mail – 50 tk
- Shulov – 75 tk
- Shovon – 90 tk
- Shovon chair – 150 tk
- First seat – 175 tk
- 1st birth – 140 tk
- Snigdha – 210 tk
- AC seat – 210 tk
- AC birth – 315 tk
Dhaka to Sylhet Train Schedule:
- Parabat Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 6.35 am and arrival time to Sylhet is 1.20 pm and the express remains off on Tuesday.
- Joyantika Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 12.00 pm and arrival time to Sylhet is 7.40 pm and there is no off day in this express.
- Kalani Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 4.00 pm and arrival time to Sylhet is 10.45 pm and the express remains off on Friday.
- Upaban Express: The departure time from Dhaka is 9.50 pm and arrival time to Sylhet is 5.20 am and the express remains off on Wednesday.
- Surma Mail: The departure time from Dhaka is 10.50 pm and arrival time to Sylhet is 12.10 pm and there is no off day in this express.
Hope that this information will be very essential to you for making a safe and cheerful trip. Happy Journey.
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