The Unique Bus is a local bus transport company in Bangladesh. The unique bus has many counters in Bangladesh where you can buy a bus ticket.,This means that they are close to you. They can transport you quickly. They have been operating since 1993, so their reliability, as well as knowledge about Bangladeshi routes, guarantees that you will get where you need to be with time left over! What is more, people search for a lot of information about the bus service. Today we have an article on it – all the different places it stops and phone numbers, so if you want to travel through them then you can contact them at any time.
Unique Bus Counter Number
This is one of the most important things you should know. If there’s ever a time where you need to contact your nearest Unique bus service, it becomes an issue when they don’t have their phone number listed on any listing site that I’ve seen. This in turn leads someone who needs help starting off by having difficulty figuring out how to fix something and get back down the road again before we realize what happened or why it won’t start anymore.
It’s really unfortunate for people whose car breaks down because if they had been able find information about contacting them easily like this person has said, then maybe everyone would be safe from getting stranded with no way home-no matter what kind of day it was going good or bad up until now!
Unique Bus Counter Dhaka
The unique bus counter in many of Dhaka’s most important locations, including Gabtoli and Kallanpur. It is worth noting that Unique offers a variety of potential transportation options for commuters to choose from depending on what they’re looking for! They provide diesel buses, as well as compressed natural gas (CNG), powered vehicles among other services which can be accessed via phone or online reservation with the click-of-a button.
240 / A, Bagbari, Gabtali Bus terminal
Phone: 0290027710, 01963-622223
15, BTRC Market, Kalyanpur
Phone: 01963-622244, 01821-498833
Assad Gate
Phone: 029133917, 01963-622255
13/12 Ayesha Complex, Pantha Path, Sukra bad
Phone: 029133028, 01963-622279
Phone: 027195761, 027195988, 01963-622226, 01963-622227
Fakira Pool T & T Colony Mosque
Phone: 0271912337, 027195987, 01963-622288
36 Kamala Pur
Phone: 02 9337846, 01963-622299
60/1 otish Dipankar Road
Phone: 027277372, 027278175, 01963-62230, 01963-622231
Golapbagh Stadium Market
Phone: 02-7540027, 01963-622232
Phone: 02-7540058, 01963-622233
10/1-C, Sayedabad
Phone: 02-7546377, 01963-622234.
33, Sayedabad Highway Road
Phone: 02-7540012, 01963-622235
88/4, North Jatrabari
Phone: 02-7540008, 01963-622236
Chittagong Road
Phone: 01963-622237, 01819-692079
Office of kocuket
Phone: 01963-622239, 01711-023886
Mirpur 10, Dhaka
Phone: 02-8054813, 01963-622240
Nardda Booking Office
Phone: 01963-622238, 01559-666468
Unique Bus Counter Sirajganj
If you’re in the market for a one-stop transportation service, Unique Bus is your go-to company. Not only does it have bus stops all over Sirajganj but its staff are professional and friendly to boot!
Unique Bus has become our most reliable mode of transport because they hold their employees accountable with strict guidelines on passenger behavior as well as driver conduct like speeding or reckless driving.
Sirajganj Bazar Station
Phone: 01963-622276, 01728-217074, 01912-595904
Sirajganj Cord Turn
Phone: 101963-622277, 01712-135633
Unique Bus Counter Bandarban
In order to truly enjoy your bus trip in Bandarban, it is important that you are familiar with the Unique Bus Counter’s contact number. The following information will provide you with a quick and easy way of contacting them!
Bandarban Bus Station
Phone: 0361-63532, 01963-622275, 01553-208010
Unique Bus Counter Chittagong
The Chittagong bus counter is a well-known destination for travelers. They have many counters in the city, including one at Navy Hospital and another on E.P.Z Road! Check out their phone numbers below to make your travel plans today!
The unique Bus Counter of Chittagong has various branches all throughout town that you can use when planning trips around Bangladesh’s third most populous city – just give them a call before heading over or check out our listing of available contact information here:
82 Station Road
Phone: 031-619543, 01963-622252
1/1 Station Road
Phone: 031-611661, 01963-622253
Dampara, Zakir Hossain Road
Phone: 031-618905, 01963-622254
AK Khan, Abdur Rahim Tower
Phone: 031-2770983, 01963-622255
Boro pool
Phone: 01963-622258, 01710-344247
Navy Hospital Gate, 2M Aajaz Road
Phone: 031-800351, 01963-622257
Byzid Bostami Road
Phone: 01963-622256
Bhatiari Market No. 1
Phone: 01963-622259
Cuto Kumira Counter
Phone: 01963-622260
Sitakunda DT Road
Phone: 01963-622261
Mirsharai Bazar, Tamaris Bhaban (Mosque Market)
Phone: 01963-622262
Unique Bus Counter Cox’s Bazar
Unique bus service is providing public transportation in some districts of Cox’s Bazar. They have multiple bus counters and you can easily find the ones closest to your location by searching for their exact address on Google maps or contacting them using this phone number: (8am-5pm)
Unique Bus Service provides a valuable source of transportation within Bangladesh, with its services including buses available at various locations throughout many different regions.
Jhautala Main Road
Phone: 0341-51851, 01963-622217
Galaxy Ressort, kaltali Road
Phone: 01963-622270
Oster Echo
Phone: 01963-622269
Chakari Bus Terminal
Phone: 01963-62227231
Unique Bus Counter Rangamati
The Rangamati district offers a plethora of bus services, each with their own individual counter. C-Medical Bus Counter is located in the heart of Toblacori; New Market Bus service has counters scattered throughout Kollanpur and its surrounding areas such as Jampani, Garfa Road 2nd Extension etc.; while Old City’s bustling market place features an ever present new booth for The Unique Express Service at every turn.
The unique bus service that operates exclusively within the boundaries of our beloved province offer passengers countless locations to find where they need to go on any given day – but it doesn’t stop there! Each location provides information about routes available along with current timetables from all districts so you know what buses are coming your
Toblacori Bus Counter
- 0351-61561
C-Medical Bus Counter
- 63144
Newmarket Bus Counter
- 71085
Kollanpur Bus Counter
- 63222
Ved Vevi Bazar Bus Counter
- 62310
Raujan Bus Counter
- 01811173643
Ranirhat Bus Counter
- 62310
Indra Pur Bus Counter
- 01191125047
Unique Bus Counter Sylhet
The bus service in Sylhet is a unique one. They have many of their own counters, including Mania Center Bus Counter and Purbo Dargha Gate Bus Counter to name just two. Here are all the numbers:
Mazar Gate -1
Phone: 01963-62245
Mazar Gate-2
Phone: 01963-62224
Sobhani Ghat
Phone: 01963-622247
Phone: 01963-622248
Humayun Chattar
Phone: 01963-622244
Unique Bus Counter Jhenaidah
Jhenaidah Unique Bus service is the best way to get around town. It has two counters in Jhenaidah, one at Sadar and another located near Kotchad Pur. If you have any questions about this bus or its schedule, call them with these numbers:
khot Chandpur Main bus station
Phone: 01719-563645
Jhenaidah central bus station
Phone: 01712-509372
Phone: 01718-059082
Unique Bus Counter Khulna
The Khulna bus counter, located in the famed Sadar area of town, is one of only two Unique buses left operating within all of Khulna. It’s a shame that there are not more company options for those living out here because this particular line does an excellent job!
Khalishpur Bus Station
Phone: 01713-901368
Unique Bus Counter Meherpur
The bus counter of the Unique Bus Company in Meherpur is located on a very busy street corner. The one little yellow sign stands out like an oasis among all the noise and activity as it beckons us to take a break from our hustle and bustle with their reliable services that put your comfort first.
Darshana Bus Counter
- 01712-816991
Conclusion :
The Unique Bus is the perfect solution for people in Bangladesh who need to travel and want a reliable, affordable service. Whether you are traveling by yourself or with friends and family, we guarantee that you will get where you need to be without any hassles! We hope this article helped answer any questions about our services so feel free to contact us if there’s anything else we can help with. So what are YOU waiting for? Let’s hop on board now!
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