Gazipur Safari Park -2020 All You Need To Know Before Going

Gazipur Safari Park

Safari Park has a different feel to the zoo. Zoos are enclosed in the zoo and visitors visit the
zoo free. But in Safari Park, wildlife will roam the forest in the open and people will be on
alert in moving vehicles or in distance safely places. Large Rathura Mouza of Mauna Union
under Sripur Upazila of Gazipur district and 1.5-acre forest area of ​​Shal forest fragment of
Piruzali Mouza of the Piruzali union of Sadar Upazila is known as a safe habitat for small and large species. Out of this, 5.7 acres are covered under the master plan of Safari Park. The project titled Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park was approved by ECNEC at an
estimated cost of Tk 1.5 crore in the year 20 and the establishment of the park started and
formal construction of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur began on
February 2. No master plan could be formulated at the beginning of the project. Later, a
master plan was developed with the help of local and foreign experts to promote international quality safari park. Safari Park has been set up in tune with the South Asian model, especially
Thailand's Safari World. Also, some ideas have been inserted in Indonesia's Bali Safari Park.
Permanent enclosures are being constructed around Safari Park and have created
opportunities for descent and free movement of native/exotic wildlife so that tourists can
access education, research, and recreation by traveling.


The small banks of bhawal and lowland were found in rich shalban, amalkee, behera,
haritaki, korai, shimul, turmeric, palash, tapalish, kusum, pitaraj, udal and miscellaneous
plants. There were plentiful species of birds including Maya, deer, leopard, forest cat,
gandhagkul, fox, palm tree, python, monkey, hanuman. About 8 species of plants and 225
species of wildlife were seen in the shalban. Due to population growth, urbanization,
industrialization, destruction of forests, spread of agricultural land, housing, seizure and land
disputes due to the existence of shawl forests are rapidly disappearing. Wildlife is an integral
part of the natural environment, food cycle, and biodiversity. The role of wildlife is immense
for human existence. An initiative was taken to establish a safari park in the Bhawalgarh
area, in memory of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu, for the protection of biodiversity,
development of ecotourism, development of tourism industry, education, research, and
recreation opportunities.

Aim to this park:

 Conservation of extinct wild animals
 To create tourism industry, poverty alleviation and employment opportunities by
creating eco-tourism opportunities near Dhaka city.

 Creation of wildflower food-producing fruit, fodder, and mixed-species gardens.
 Establishment of wildlife services and hospitals for the treatment of injured and
rescued wildlife.
 Massive public awareness about wildlife conservation across the country.
Sights you should visit in the park:
This massive park actually has five different parts. You should visit all of them to complete
your visit. They are,
#Core Safari: –
You have to enter this section with the selected car. By a ride, you can see wild animals roaming
around you. The core safari park will be set up on an area of 5 acres – of which 26.5 acres of
tiger, 20.5 acres of lions, 1.7 acres of black bear, 1.7 acres of African leopard, 1.5 acres of
Chitra deer, 1.7 acres Sambab and Goyal, 1.3 acres of elephant, 1.7 acres of waterfowl, 22.5
acres of Maya and Para deer, 26.5 acres of Nilgai and twelve horns and allotment of 27.5
acres will be adjusted for the African Safari Park.

Safari Kingdom: –

In the Safari Kingdom, tourists will be able to walk on foot and the animals will be enclosed in
small beds. The main goal of the Safari Kingdom is to create tourist recreation, wildlife
education, and research opportunities through various wildlife crafts and sports. Safari
Kingdom established on an area of ​​1.5 acres. Its main activities include nature observation
center, Giraffe feeding spot, Pelican Island, boating and lagoons; Crown pheasant aviary,
Dhanesh aviary, Parrot aviary surrounded by large herbs, Crocodile Park, Orchid House,
Butterfly Corner, Shakun and Owl Corner, Elephant Show Gallery, Peacock / Macau Open
Land, Serpent Park, Fancy Carp Garden, Fancy Dark Garden, Lizard Park, Foodcourt, Watchtowers, and reservoirs, etc.

Bangabandhu Square: –

This area is mainly focused on many handmade sculptures of many animals, water fountains, gardens, etc. You can also take rest under the trees and eat at the restaurant watching tigers!
#Wildlife kept in open and enclosed part: –
You can have a closer look at many animals in this part of the park. Giraffes, elephants,
many kinds of birds, etc.
#Natural history museum: –
It’s a museum with animals, birds, insects, etc. You will enlarge your knowledge seeing how
animals come and survive in our country and some rare extinct animal fossils.

What tourists will enjoy:

You can get an idea about Safari Park through video briefing/documentary at the
Information and Education Centre. Students and researchers can find out about wildlife and
plant species diversity at the Natural History Museum. On the Sheltered minibus, you will
find tigers, lions, elephants, sambar, Maya deer, Chitra deer, monkeys, hanumans, bears,
gulls, crocodiles, and exotic birds. Numerous guests and aquatic birds can see along the lake.
Upon the observation tower, you can observe the unspoiled beauty and wildlife of the forest.

You will see numerous birds, domestic and foreign, in the bird’s reservoir. A The restroom is
kept for the night.


Tourists can visit Safari Park by paying fixed fees. The fees charged by the Government are
as follows
1. Adults: 50 / –
2. Student: 20 / –
3. Students arriving at the educational tour from the educational institution Group (40-100
people): 400 / –
4. Students coming from educational institutes (up to 100+ persons): 800/ –
5. Foreign tourists: Bangladeshi money in 5 US dollars or equivalent
Car parking fee 60-200 Tk.

Location and how you should come:

It located at Bagerbazar, Sripur 1340, Bangladesh, 52 kilometers from Dhaka city. The
nearest Bus stop is the Bagerbazar bus stop. You have to come this wherever place you come
from. From this bus stop, you’ll find the safari park road that leads you to safari park. By car, it’ll take approx. 2.5 hrs. to reach the park from Dhaka.
Any bus that goes Mymensingh from Dhaka or that road you can come Bagerbazar bus stop.
By train, you have to come to Joydebpur station first. From there you have to come bagerbazar.
Ubar and different taxi cabs are also available.


Thus, life is full of surprises. Wherever you go you’ll find how beautiful mother nature
created all the things! Knowing the actual habitat of wilderness, you explore a new era of life and understand how important they are in our life. So go there and witness the magic of wildlife.