Joydebpur is a large division under Dhaka district which is about 33 kilometers far from Motijheel, Dhaka to Joydebpur and there are many industries, factories, resorts, hotels & tourist spots near Joydebpur, that’s why people may need to travel from Dhaka to Joydebpur for many reasons and for traveling to Joydebpur the safest way is journey by train. There are lots of trains that start from Dhaka to the destination of Joydebpur every day and the station of Joydebpur is situated at Gazipur Sadar Upazila of Gazipur District. Here in this article, we are going to describe Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule, Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Time, Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Ticket Price, Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Service, so that you can have a complete idea about the train schedule & systems for going Joydebpur by train. various kinds of trains start from Dhaka and the list of those trains are given below-

Intercity trains:
- Hawr Express
- Padma Express
- Lalmoni Express
- Drutajan Express
- Chitra Express
- Sirajgonj Express
- Jamuna Expres
- Silk City Express
- Ekota Express
- Nilshagar Express
- Sundarban Express
- Dhomkato Express
Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Time:
There are lots of trains that leave from Dhaka to Joydebpur every day at a different time and you can choose any of them when you needed & you don’t face any problem catching the train because there are the availability of trains in the stations, the time schedule for going Joydebpur is given below-
- Hawr Express: It starts at Dhaka at 23.50 and arrives at Joydebpur 00.49.
- Padma Express: It starts at Dhaka at 23.10 and arrives at Joydebpur 00.08.
- Lalmoni Express: It starts at Dhaka at 22.10 and arrives at Joydebpur 23.15.
- Drutajan Express: It starts at Dhaka at 20.00 and arrives at Joydebpur 21.05.
- Chitra Express: It starts at frathaka at 19.00 and arrives at Joydebpur 20.00.
- Sirajgonj Express: It starts at Dhaka at 17.00 and arrives at Joydebpur 18.15.
- Jamuna Expres: It starts at Dhaka at 16.40 and arrives at Joydebpur 17.55.
- Silk City Express: It starts from Dhaka at 14.40 and arrives at Joydebpur 15.50.
- Ekota Express: It starts at Dhaka at 10.00 and arrives at Joydebpur 11.05.
- Nilshagar Express: It starts from Dhaka at 8.00 and arrives at Joydebpur 9.17.
- Sundarban Express: It starts from Dhaka at 6.20 and arrives at Joydebpur 7.25.
- Dhomkato Express: It starts from Dhaka at 6.00 and arrives at Joydebpur 7.01.

Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Ticket Price:
Forgoing joydebpur from Dhaka you need about 1-1.30 hour by train but by bus, you will need 3-4 hours & the train ticket price is very cheap that is 15-60 to per seat and monthly you will need only 460 to for traveling by train.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Service:
The train service committee of Dhaka to Joydebpur is very dedicated to their duty and they maintain their time strictly & give the best service so that no passengers face problems at the time of traveling.
I hope that this article will be helpful to you for making a happy journey from Dhaka to Joydebpur.
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