Book lovers, gather around. It’s time to talk about the best places to buy new books in Mumbai. Recently, we published a list of the 10 Best Places To Buy New Books In Chennai and now it is Mumbai’s turn! We have scoured the city for some of the most popular bookstores for you so that you can find somewhere delicious to spend your money on all those hard-to-find titles or maybe just something good to read while waiting at airport immigration
1 City Book Center, Andheri
This bookstore is open 24 hours a day and sells books in several languages. The store has more than 45,000 titles to choose from so you should be able to find anything that interests you!
Pothi-Posh Book Shop, Fort This old fashioned bookshop specializes in English classics like Jane Austen novels or Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist. If the thought of taking home an entire shelf full of fiction doesn’t excite you then this might not be your best option because they don’t sell any other kind of literature here. However if you’re looking for some good literary recommendations then it would definitely be worth popping into one their two stores on Camac Street and Dins
2 Kitab Khana, Fort

This bookstore is a little less formal than the first two on this list. It offers all of the usual bookshop fare: new titles, best-sellers and books in various languages
One thing to keep an eye out for when you’re browsing these stores is how many copies they have! If one store has 15 different editions of your favorite title then it might be worth buying them there even if the price isn’t as good as at another shop. The more copies available means that they are likely to last longer before selling out so you can visit again without worrying about not being able to find what you want.
3 Sterling Book House,
This bookstore has over 12,000 titles to choose from and is also open round the clock. They rely heavily on customer recommendations for what they should stock so if you’re looking for something more obscure or non-fiction then this could be your best bet.
One of my favorite features about Sterling Book House is that it sells books in English too! I know plenty of people who travel abroad and are always complaining about how difficult it is trying to find a good book when there’s no library nearby but with this store being just around ten minutes away by foot from Terminal T-03 at Santacruz Airport things couldn’t get much easier!
4 Bargain Book Hut, Kala Ghoda
This bookshop is a little different from the others on this list because it doesn’t have anything other than second-hand books that you can buy. They offer everything from best-sellers to rare finds so even if you’re not in the market for any new novels then there might be something here for you!
The Bargain Book Hut also has a huge number of international titles available which means they are an excellent option if you want to add some English language reading material into your life. There’s no telling when someone will come in and sell off their collection but I found myself picking up both The Catcher In The Rye as well as Harry Potter And The Philosopher Stone after seeing them just yesterday morning while
5 Strand Book Stall, Fort
This bookstore is open 24 hours a day and has over 40,000 titles to choose from. No matter what time of the day you’re looking for something new they’ll have it!
The Strand Book Stall also specializes in English language reading which makes them an excellent place to come during your next trip into Mumbai Airport if you plan on spending some time sightseeing before heading back home. They are easily located just past Customs so there’s no chance that you could miss out on any potential purchases while waiting for your bags to be sorted.
6 The New & Second Hand Book Shop, Kalbadevi
This bookshop is an excellent option if you’re looking for some second-hand books. It’s not open 24 hours a day but it does offer more than 50,000 titles to choose from which should be enough to satisfy most people!
The New & Second Hand Book Shop also has amazing discounts available on their Facebook page so make sure that you check them out before making any purchases because they tend to get really busy with both locals and tourists alike. One of the best things about this store is that as well as English language reading material there are plenty of international editions in other languages too meaning everyone can find something new here without worrying about having difficulties understanding what might be going on.
7 Title Waves, Bandra
This bookstore has over 20,000 titles to choose from and also does a huge selection of second-hand books. It’s not open 24 hours a day but the shelves are always stocked up with plenty of English language reading material so there should never be any issues for tourists looking for something new!
I think it goes without saying that this is another excellent store if you’re an international traveler because they offer both used as well as brand-new editions in various different languages such as French, German and Italian. They even have copies available in Russian too which I know can be difficult to find elsewhere sometimes especially when we don’t speak Hindi here at home!
8Trilogy, Lower Parel
This bookstore is open 24 hours a day and has over 20,000 titles available. It’s not the largest on this list but it does have some excellent deals if you want to find something new that just came out or are looking for an old classic!
I really love the fact that Trilogy offers both used as well as brand-new editions in various different languages such as French, German and Italian. They even have copies available in Russian too which I know can be difficult to find elsewhere sometimes especially when we don’t speak Hindi here at home! The best thing about Title Waves though is their online service because they offer free shipping within India (and worldwide) so no matter what city you’re traveling from there
9 Book Lovers, Andheri
This bookstore is a great option for those looking to find the best deals on their favorite English language reading material. They have over 40,000 titles available and also do second-hand books which makes them an excellent choice if you’re not worried about spending too much money!
10 Crossword, Kemps Corner
This is another bookstore that’s open 24 hours a day and has over 40,000 titles to choose from. I know they’ve been around for ages but it still doesn’t make them any less awesome when you’re looking for new reads!
I really love the fact that Crossword offers both used as well as brand-new editions in various different languages such as French, German and Italian. They even have copies available in Russian too which I know can be difficult to find elsewhere sometimes especially when we don’t speak Hindi here at home! The best thing about Title Waves though is their online service because they offer free shipping within India (and worldwide) so no matter what city you’re traveling from there will always be
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